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Case Study: Barbara Creed: F.A.N.E

Barbara Creed

Barbara Creed has been a trustee for Friends Action North East for at least 7 years in the role of treasurer. This is a vital role which we are all eternally grateful, she fulfils with such competence, patience, tolerance and good humour, for some of the more erratic methods of receipt filing sometimes found lurking in the petty cash box.

She also attends Friends Action North East’s AGMs, conferences and trustee meetings and volunteers providing vital input and support. Her contributions are always constructive and help anchor Friends Action North East with practical, reasonable advice.

Barbara has a warm empathetic nature and has a natural ability to communicate clearly and impartially to guide others, particularly other trustees with learning disabilities who sometimes must make decisions on complex ideas.

We are all grateful for her vital contribution and support to Friends Action North East and want her to know how much she is valued and appreciated. Barbara, thank you for all your hard work and your understanding of how important it is to help adults with learning disabilities build and maintain friendship.


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