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Case Study: David McKenzie: Walking With


David has been the Chair at Walking With in North Tyneside for a year and a half after his wife, who was involved as a volunteer with Walking With as part of her church-based training, mentioned the trustee vacancies at Walking With.

David, who has a background in teaching and has been involved in the voluntary sector for a number of years via the Scouts, realised there was a good opportunity to help a recently formed charity get all of their governance in place and ensure they were compliant with charity law, as well as help set the future direction of Walking With.

David has worked closely with VODA for support with charity governance and funding. “VODA takes the role of a critical friend when we are seeking funding. They review our submissions and provide realistic and honest advice and guidance and signposting. We’ve also had fantastic support with them regarding volunteering, providing us with links to other organisations and strategic organisational support amongst other things, we really appreciate all the help and support they give.”


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