Charity Meetings Guidance Update

Group of people sat around a wooden meeting table in a meeting. Everyone looks happy.

The Charity Commission has recently updated its guidance CC48 Charity Meetings now that an increasing number of charities are using virtual or hybrid formats for their trustees and members meetings.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, special dispensation was granted to charities to hold online meetings where their governing document didn’t specifically permit them to do so. This dispensation expired some time ago, but many organisations continue to hold online meetings where their governing document may not permit such an approach.

The guidance sets out that Trustees are advised to review their governing document to ensure that it addresses arrangements for meetings, and to make updates (by following the procedure required by the governing document) if any arrangements no longer reflect how the charity wishes to operate (such as holding online meetings). Particularly, the governing document should set out how votes will be held at virtual meetings and whether all meetings will be virtual or hybrid.

The guidance also recommends that charities that wish to hold virtual meetings should have a separate policy that says how people can ask questions, join in the debate, and what would happen to the meeting if there were technical problems.

If you would like further guidance on reviewing your governing document, then please contact VODA who can offer support, advice, and training to your VCSE group. Please contact our Core Services Team by telephone on 0191 643 2626 or by email on


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