Charity move sees Wallsend community sector hub growth

VODA hub receptionThe North Tyneside Carers’ Centre (NTCC) has relocated to the Spirit of North Tyneside Community Sector hub, situated at the heart of Wallsend. The hub, managed by anchor tenants North Tyneside VODA, is also the home to Healthwatch North Tyneside and the North Tyneside Volunteer Centre and provides meeting and hot desk space for local charities and voluntary sector groups.

This move by the Carers’ Centre comes in response to a comprehensive evaluation of the needs expressed by the carers they support. Eager to access services closer to their homes in North Tyneside, NTCC sought a shift away from a centralised location. Consequently, the Carers’ Centre will now conduct sessions at local community venues, while the administrative operations will be centred at its new office in Wallsend.

Commenting on the move the Carers Centre Chief Executive Claire Easton said: “We are very happy to have found such a unique home for the charity. Being next door to VODA, Healthwatch and other local organisations, we are in an excellent position to work together for unpaid carers.”

North Tyneside VODA’s Deputy CEO Keith Hardy commented: “We are absolutely delighted to have the North Tyneside Carers’ Centre as the latest tenants at the Spirit of North Tyneside hub. The aim of the hub is to bring the voluntary and community sector in North Tyneside together to work collaboratively for the benefit of all the sector and having another prominent local charity join us at the hub is a big step forward in achieving this aim.”

Find out more about North Tyneside Carers’ Centre and the work they do here.


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