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Elements training platform – new finance course

Finance - Social media post (Instagram Post)

We’re excited to launch a brand new e-learning course on the essentials of charity finance. Understanding Your Charity’s Finance covers the financial responsibilities of charities, records, legal requirements and how to present your accounts. It has been developed with expertise from the charity finance teams at VODAConnected Voice and Northumberland CVA.

Elements is an e-learning platform that allows you to study in your own time and at your own pace. The courses use an interactive mix of videos and questions and you will receive a certificate on completion. You can start and stop the courses as you wish but each course takes around one hour to complete.

Enrol on Understanding Your Charity’s Finance today for just £12*.

Following the successful launch of Elements towards the end of 2021, more than 220 people have signed up to study courses on Good Governance and Good Fundraising.

We’ve taken your helpful feedback to make a number of changes to the platform, and we’re delighted to be able to offer our selection of new and improved courses at a cost of just £12 each:

*Any organisations with an annual income below £10k, can access the course for free. If you qualify for a free course, please email Jennifer on for a free coupon code.

We’ve received lots of positive feedback from those who have completed courses through Elements training portal:

“[The fundraising course] really summarised the key points of applications perfectly and was a great skills refresher without containing an overwhelming amount of info”


“Honestly it is such a pleasant learning experience, the way information is presented with high quality sound, quality animation and graphics”



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