Embedding the VCSE sector in Integrated Care Systems

NAVCA has announced (25/09/23) the publication of a new set of resources for the VCSE around embedding the sector in Integrated Care Systems.

The aim of these resources is to help VCSE organisations work effectively with ICSs to create a holistic approach to health and wellbeing, ensuring that community concerns are identified and acted upon through effective VCSE representation.

The resource is split into two pages.

Page one covers:

  • Understanding the value of the VCSE sector
  • Building business cases for VCSE alliances
  • Alliance structures
  • Job and role descriptions
  • Embedding the VCSE as an equal partner in ICS governance and decision making
  • partnership agreements,
  • alliance vision, values and mission statements

Page two covers

  • representation roles
  • sustainable investment for VCSE Alliances
  • harnessing data and intelligence
  • working with VCSE sector to address wider determinants of health

Read more about these new resources and the importance of the VCSE Sector in integrated care in this NAVCA blog.


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