Lights, Camera, VCS Action…

VODA is planning to develop a short film showcasing the breadth and variety of important work delivered by the Voluntary and Community Sector in North Tyneside.

The film will be aimed at health professionals and will highlight how VCS organisations in North Tyneside actively contribute to and support the local health agenda.

We are looking for expressions of interest from a variety of VCS organisations, from small volunteer led projects to larger charities delivering in the borough.

We are interested in speaking to organisations that can show how they support people to:

  • Improve their mental health and wellbeing
  • Improve their physical health
  • Decrease social isolation
  • Gain new skills & confidence

We would also like to hear from organisations who work:

  • Collaboratively with other organisations
  • Who have identified gaps in health provision and have then created projects to meet need
  • Who currently work in partnership with health

If you feel that your project or organisation fits the bill and would like express an interest in being part of the film, then please get in touch with Claire Howard by Friday 31 January or call 0191 643 2625.


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