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VODA Membership

VODA Membership

North Tyneside VODA (Voluntary Organisations Development Agency) offers membership to voluntary, community, and social enterprise organisations operating in North Tyneside. The benefits of VODA membership include:

  1. Voice Strengthening: By joining VODA, organisations and groups contribute to strengthening the sector’s voice in North Tyneside. This helps increase influence in decision-making and ensures representation at a strategic level.
  2. Networking and Events: Members gain free access to network meetings, forums, and events, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing.
  3. Guidance and Support: VODA provides free information, advice, and guidance on various aspects, including starting, running and closing organisations.
  4. Meeting Room Hire: Members receive one free two-hour room hire (either large or small meeting room) per financial year.
  5. Desk Hire Discounts: Regular desk hire discounts are available to members.
  6. Training Opportunities: Members can participate in one free Elements training course.
  7. Funding Updates: VODA keeps members informed about funding opportunities and initiatives through their dedicated Ebulletin and social media.
  8. Job Vacancy Advertising: Members can advertise job vacancies for free via the e-bulletin.
  9. Networking and Collaboration: VODA convenes opportunities for networking and collaboration among members.

Join our Community Database

Even if you are not eligible to be a full member of VODA, you can register on our Community Database. This helps us to let people know about your organisation and the work you do and enables you to access our information and other resources. Please complete and submit the form below to request to join our database.

Terms and Conditions: Please read and save a copy of our terms and conditions for your records before submitting a membership and community database form.

Volunteer with us

We involve a number of volunteers in our work – both through the projects we deliver and within VODA itself. Visit our projects to find out more about what we do. Find out more about volunteering with VODA by emailing

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