National Lottery Heritage Grants

The National Lottery Heritage Fund has launched its new National Lottery funding programme with new Heritage 2033 guidance for grants from £10,000 up to £10m. It has simplified the application materials and made its requirements more proportionate to the amount of money you’re applying for.

The Fund’s Heritage 2033 strategy is centred around a simplified framework of four investment principles: saving heritage; protecting the environment; inclusion, access and participation; and organisational sustainability. You must take all four principles into account in your application. The strength of focus and emphasis on each principle is for you to decide and demonstrate.

Mindful of increased costs for goods and services, and responding to trends in grant application data, the fund has increased its entry level grants to £10,000. This is in addition to an earlier upper threshold increase to £10m (the Fund may even consider investing above £10m for truly exceptional heritage projects).

Funding available

Explore the new National Lottery Heritage Grants

If you’re considering applying for the first time, start with learning more about what we fund and how to understand and explain your heritage.



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