North East Child Poverty Commission publishes ‘No Time to Wait’

The North East Child Poverty Commission has published a major new report published which calls for regional leaders to take a ‘public health approach’ to tackling child poverty, based on the findings of wide-ranging research undertaken over the last year throughout the region.

More than one-third of all babies, children and young people in the North East (35%) are living in poverty, with our region having experienced the steepest increases in child poverty over much of the last decade.

The new report – ‘No time to wait: An ambitious blueprint for tackling child poverty in the North East’ – warns that child poverty ‘is not only limiting the life chances and outcomes of tens of thousands of children and families across the North East – and their ability to benefit from everything this part of the world has to offer – it is holding the whole of our region back.’

Read the full report online here.


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