Sector Connector Community Friendly Business Awards 2019

Sector Connector continues to attract more businesses, both big and small, who want to give something back and help the voluntary sector of North Tyneside.

The help and supported offered by these businesses include pro bono services, free resources, free information volunteers and collections for community causes.

These businesses often go over and above what they were originally asked to do, in their desire to help and can this can lead to long lasting relationships with the community organisations they’ve helped!

To celebrate the achievements of some of these businesses, we presented three organisations with a Community Friendly Business Award at the recent VODA AGM and North Tyneside Voluntary Awards. Here are the winners and a little bit about why they were chosen.








Based on Cobalt Business Park, Accenture supports multi-million-pound businesses with their strategies, digital technology and operational services.

Over the last year, Accenture staff have volunteered with a range of voluntary organisations in a variety of roles.

  • Helped develop the community orchard and Whitley Bay Community Allotment
  • Provided entertainment for residents of sheltered accommodation
  • Supported IT projects
  • Hosted Design Thinking workshops
  • Collected for social action projects

Whenever Sector Connector calls, they are usually able to help in some way!

Carney Consultancy Ltd







Training is vital to ensure the continued expertise and knowledge of voluntary sector organisations, but at a time when budgets are being squeezed, it is often the thing that is forced to drop of the radar.

Carney Consultancy, a Health and Safety Consultancy training provider, has over the last year stepped in to help Sector Connector by making thousands of pounds of training available free of charge free to voluntary organisations.

A number of voluntary organisations have benefitted from free Mental Health at Work, Emergency First Aid at Work, Manual Handling and Risk Assessment courses.

Carney Consultancy has also provided support to Phoenix Detached Youth Project and the Lighthouse Club.

Bell Group







Corporate volunteering often brings to mind a team of accountants painting a room. Bell Group however is a decorating company that works across the North East and Cumbria and through Sector Connector has provided professional painters to help out local charities in North Tyneside.

Over the last year, Bell Group’s apprentices have delivered excellent quality work, free of charge for local voluntary organisations such as Christ Church and Age UK North Tyneside, and have also provided free paint to community groups.

The difference that they have made to these groups and the cheerfulness with which the staff from Bell Group have worked with Sector Connector is why they were winners of a Community Business Friendly Award.


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