Summer term prospectus for NT LIFE

After an extremely successful first term in our new home at Meadow Well Connected, we are delighted to launch our latest prospectus for the Summer 2022 term. Pictured left is our Snap Out Of It photography group last year, new sessions commencing in May 2022.
Courses this term:
  • Strong Body Strong Mind
  • Vegetarian Cooking
  • Football for Mental Health
  • Autism Awareness
  • Creative Writing
  • Woodland Wellbeing
  • Art Group
  • Looney Out Of Tuners Singing
  • Snap Out Of It Photography
  • WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan
  • Emotional Recovery Tool Kit
  • DB Cuppa T
  • Dialectical Behaviour Skills Training
  • Art Course
  • How to train your inner dragon *New Course*
The latest addition to our timetable – How to train your inner dragon – will help you to begin to understand and train your inner dragon, so they work with you not against you.

Most sessions run weekly.

We anticipate many of these sessions booking up fast, so please make sure you get booked in asap. Booking instructions available in our May Prospectus next to each course outline.

The feedback from participants this year so far has been very positive.

“I’ve built up confidence to sign up for other classes now”
” The course has helped me to feel in control of my emotions and be more stable. Before the course I was going through a rough, choppy patch. The skills have left me hopeful that I can control them. Thanks to that I have a new job and started a business”
“The courses have given me a new found confidence both at home and at work. It’s great meeting likeminded people there’s no judgement from anyone!!”
“I’m not the only person with difficulties – Once I start talking I’m ok. Feel comfortable sharing problems, after sessions I spent 2 hours talking about my life I’ve found the skills useful and have used them quite a lot. I feel more confident to speak in groups now”


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