Families of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) in the North West of North Tyneside are benefiting from an exciting package of activities and one-to-one support sessions thanks to grants from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF).
North Tyneside Parent Carer Forum was awarded UKSPF grants to host sessions at community venues in Camperdown, Weetslade and Longbenton wards until March 2025. These include The Oxford Centre in Longbenton, the John Willie Sams Centre in Dudley, and the White Swan Centre in Killingworth.
SEND Families Together is a programme of activities for families of young people with SEND aged between 11 and 25, funded by UKSPF large and youth grants. Sessions allow the young person to spend time with their peers while their parents and carers stay in the same room. It means the young people can enjoy some independence while the adults have a chat and a cuppa.
Activities include tote bag and pencil case decorating, a visit from Rockpool School, wreath making for parents and carers, a visit from the Gamezone gaming bus, sessions on animation, Lego printing, making light catchers and natural fabric dying with Helix Arts, as well as an end-of-project party. There is no diagnosis needed and the events are completely free.
A medium UKSPF grant is funding SEND Family Support Sessions, providing free information, advice and guidance and offering a safe space for support and understanding. These are held each Monday morning in term time between 10am and 1pm, alternating between the Oxford Centre and John Willie Sams. There are bookable appointments which can be held online if preferred.
North Tyneside Council is partnering with North Tyneside VODA to deliver the UKSPF programme, which is funded by the UK Government with the North East Combined Authority as the lead authority. Through UKSPF, North Tyneside Council has invested over £1.2 million through a range of grants in the North West of the Borough.
It is part of the Council’s Ambition for the North West, creating attractive places to live, new opportunities for work and business, and inspiring spaces to play and visit.
North Tyneside Parent Carer Forum is a community interest company led by and for parents and carers with a child or young person aged 0-25 years with SEND. It works with local providers to help improve services on a strategic level, and it provides information, training and support to parents and carers.
Strategic Director Jo Gilliland said: “We usually offer our services Borough-wide but the UKSPF funding has allowed us to focus on providing services specifically targeted at the North West area which helps us to reach new families and make sure they get the support they need.
“The SEND Families Together sessions are great because we have a range of activities based on what families told us they wanted, delivered by some brilliant partners like Helix Arts, Rockpool School and Gamezone. Having parent carers in the same room but in a separate area is the best of both worlds. They are spending time together but apart, which makes it much easier if the young person is anxious.
“We have a high staffing ratio, so we are there to help if needed. There is always Lego and board games available so young people can opt-out if they choose, and we provide them with healthy snack packs. We don’t normally offer activity-based sessions, but when we asked parents and carers what they wanted, they asked for these type of joint activities.
“The SEND Families Together one-to-one sessions have been very popular. We get really diverse queries. Some parents and carers need a chat and emotional support, others need practical help and advice.
“And the sessions allow us to pick up any requests for Parent Carer Need Assessments, which we carry out on behalf of North Tyneside Council.”
Councillor Karen Clark, Cabinet Member for Public Health and Wellbeing said: “This UKSPF funding is allowing North Tyneside Parent Carer Forum to expand on the incredible work it already does, supporting children with SEND and their families in new and innovative ways.
“It can often be challenging for SEND families to get out and enjoy shared activities, so it is brilliant to see these sessions bringing so much enjoyment.
“Taking them out into the communities of the North West, at easy-to-access locations such as John Willie Sams, the Oxford Centre and the White Swan, is a great idea.
“The high demand for the one-to-one support sessions goes to show how much these are needed and appreciated by SEND families, who can be signposted to other crucial sources of help and advice.”
UKSPF was made available to any voluntary and community sector organisations that provide services in Camperdown, Weetslade and Longbenton, with five different types of grants: capital, large, medium, small and youth.
With a focus on creating a sense of renewed pride, identity and connectivity in local communities, UKSPF aims to increase life chances across the UK by investing in communities and place, supporting local businesses, and people and skills.
The funds are now closed, and all money has been allocated.
Any parents and carers who need legal information, advice and support should speak to the Special Educational Needs and Disability, Information, Advice and Support Service North Tyneside (SENDIASS).
First published by North Tyneside Council here.