There’s a new kind of superhero in North Tyneside

Young people are often portrayed in a negative light in the media, but we have to disagree. We work with a range of young volunteers at VODA and see on a daily basis their hard work, passion and commitment to making North Tyneside a better place to live, work and visit. Young volunteers help out in a range of ways, such youth work, digital action, dance, sports and much more.

To showcase these unsung heroes, we’ve put together this video.

Youth volunteering North Tyneside from Robin on Vimeo.

The young volunteers show that they are proud of the difference they make to people’s lives and also acknowledge the benefits of volunteering for them.

“It gives you a sense of a achievement and makes a difference in people’s lives”.

“I’ve gained new skills and confidence.”

“I’ve learned how to communicate more effectively with children.”

“Volunteering is fun – the best decision I ever made.”

If you would like to know more about youth volunteering, please get in touch.


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