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Vacancy – Minority Ethnic Health Development Worker

North Tyneside VODA and its partner, North Tyneside Council, are launching this joint initiative to ensure that members of minority ethnic communities in the borough are not disadvantaged when they need to access health services. Building on two years’ of BAME engagement during the COVID pandemic, the project will work in partnership with community groups and community leaders to better understand the issues faced by local residents, treating them as experts in their lived experience. Working with minority ethnic communities as equal partners, alongside wider partners, we will co-design and co-deliver new approaches to tackling health inequalities, informed by our understanding of local needs and assets. Supporting the wider workforce to engage more confidently and effectively with minority ethnic communities is a key element of this strategy.

Your role will focus on engaging with community groups and community leaders in North Tyneside that support minority ethnic communities. You will help to create trusting relationships to gain meaningful insights into local issues and barriers in accessing health services. You will help to develop new ways of capturing and reporting the issues faced by minority ethnic communities in relation to health inequalities, and using this information to inform key strategic groups such as the Health and Wellbeing Board and the BAME Task Force. By encouraging community groups to grow their capacity in identifying their support and development needs, you will ensure that they are making best use of VODA’s offer of free support as well as support provided by other partners. In addition, providing practical support, advice and training to the wider workforce you will increase their capacity to deliver accessible services and engage more confidently and effectively with minority ethnic communities.

This is a challenging but ultimately rewarding project for someone who thrives on being at the forefront of health equality.

Salary: £24,792 per annum pro rata for 21 hours/wk (FTE 0.57)

Closing date for completed applications: Tuesday, 19 April 2022 at noon

Interview date: Friday, 29 April 2022

Download the Vacancy

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Download the Application Form

North Tyneside VODA, c/o North Tyneside Council, Silverlink North, Cobalt Business Park NE27 0BY


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