VODA awarded Advanced Good Work Pledge

VODA is delighted to have been awarded the Advanced Good Work Pledge from the North of Tyne Combined Authority. This recognition highlights VODA’s dedication to the five pillars of the pledge, which include health, wellbeing, communication, and social responsibility.

Vicky Smith commented: “As the Chief Executive of VODA, I couldn’t be prouder of our team and the atmosphere we have created. Our primary goal has always been to cultivate an environment where trust, respect, and value are paramount, ensuring that everyone is treated equally. We are committed to being not just a good employer, but also a responsible service provider and a supportive neighbour.”

Receiving the Advanced Good Work Pledge is a testament to VODA’s ongoing efforts to prioritise the welfare and growth of our employees, as well as their commitment to making a positive impact on the community they serve.”

Good Work Pledge Advanced logo


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