VODA’s Board of Trustees

VODA is governed by an elected Board of Trustees that have overall control of the charity, its property and funds. VODA’s Trustees meet on a bi-monthly basis to shape the charity’s vision, ensuring we have a clear strategy and sufficient funds to deliver our objectives.

The role of Trustees within a charity is a voluntary one. Trustees are appointed at VODA’s AGM with the approval of our Members and are required to step down on a three-year rolling basis (but may re-stand as a candidate). A Trustee may step down at any time by notifying the Chair of the Board.

The active contribution of Trustees is essential to the continuing success of VODA. Becoming a Trustee is not only a great way to give back to your local community, but also provides an opportunity for you to develop your management and leadership skills and gain experience that can help you progress your professional career. It also allows you to gain new experiences and meet some fascinating people who you wouldn’t necessarily come across in other circumstances. You also get the opportunity to attend events and develop working relationships with other professionals.

VODA’s current Trustees

  • Ray Lowry (Chair)
  • Andy Burtenshaw (Vice Chair)
  • Richard Hart
  • Phil Hornby
  • Ruth Connorton
  • Lynne Canessa|

If you would like to discuss joining VODA’s Board of Trustees please contact Vicky Smith

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