Good Neighbours Case Study – John & Carlos

Good Neighbours beneficiary John and Good Neighbours volunteer Carlos, who take part in both our Buddy and Social Shopping Scheme, have a chat to explain how the Good Neighbours project has made a difference to them…

VODA’s Good Neighbours project is one of several organisations that are a part of the Endling Loneliness project (ELP), which was created to tackle loneliness in the borough of North Tyneside.

The Good Neighbours project seeks to help anyone over the age of 18, whether it be due to age, health or disability, who can’t do certain things for themselves and have no family or friends that they can call on for help.

Our Buddy Project and Social Shopping Scheme are just some of the ways that we look to assist the local community. The Buddy Project provides short-term, practical one-to-one support to help a person improve their confidence in accessing their local community. Our Social Shopping Scheme assists an individual with their weekly shopping, including transport to and from the supermarket, company whilst shopping, assistance with bags all finishing with a cuppa and chat in the supermarket café.



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