Grow & Eat Spring 2024 Update

Working in the garden-Patchwork garden JP CIC
Working in the Patchwork garden – Justice Prince CIC

Welcome to the latest update on the Grow & Eat project! We’re thrilled to be starting our second year and have been working hard to expand our partnerships and collaborations across North Tyneside. Our aim is to bring the joy of growing food to more residents in the area.

The Garden Network of North Tyneside is a collection of gardens and gardening projects throughout the borough. They have been busy organising events and training opportunities for members. Stay tuned for more information! In January, we held a New Year social where members came together to discuss our future plans.

Photos from previous grant recipients

We have recently completed the season and the grant recipients have shared beautiful photos and stories from their participants. It is evident that gardening in a communal space and sharing fresh produce has had a positive impact on their health and wellbeing. This highlights the value of green spaces for our residents!

Upcoming in 2024

We have more seed sowing sessions planned for the year, including ones at local Libraries. Additionally, we are looking for volunteers to join our Grow & Eat project and help us deliver these growing sessions. Let’s spread the love of growing to as many people as possible in North Tyneside!4

Get involved

If you are a community group, charity, or other not-for-profit organisation and would like assistance in developing your space into a garden with fruit, herbs, vegetables, and flowers, take a look at our Grow & Eat webpage. You can find our grant application there, or you can reach out to Grow & Eat Worker Vicky at to find out how we can help you.

Testimonials from past grant recipients

Friends of the Rising Sun Country Park: “I am really enjoying volunteering at the Backyard Project at the Rising Sun. I am quite new to the group having no experience at all with growing fruit and vegetables. It has given me a great deal of self-satisfaction of learning from the wealth of knowledge the other volunteers have and sharing our produce with people visiting the centre. It’s done my mental wellbeing no end of good; working the soil, being outdoors, seeing and tasting the fruits of our labour. I am very happy being involved with this wonderful project”. Jan, member of the group.

LD: North East: M., a 58-year-old individual with Autism who lives alone, experienced isolation for many years due to difficulties in making friends. After attending a healthy cooking course at LD: North East, he joined the gardening group and formed great friendships with the other members. Initially quiet during a mental health workshop, he later opened up about his low mood and feelings of loneliness. Staff members supported him to visit his GP and he is now receiving assistance and actively engaging in more social activities at LD: North East. “It has been remarkable to see M. growing in confidence and leaving each week with a smile on his face.”

A quote from M: “Before this I used to just sit in my flat all day. It was so boring and I just thought that would be like that for the rest of my life. Coming here with my friends has gave me hope that I’m not going to be on my own forever. And, if I have a problem with anything, I just tell people here and they are kind and listen.”


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