Living Well North Tyneside – 7 months on! 

Living Well North Tyneside LogoThe past 7 months has seen the new Living Well North Tyneside platform go from strength to strength, with more providers signing up to add their services, activities and events, and more North Tyneside residents using the service to find the resources they need to help them to live well.

Behind the scenes
There is also a lot of work going on behind the scenes with the Living Well North Tyneside Partnership as they work to embed Living Well with Health, social care and VCSE professionals as the go-to tool for referring residents for support. In particular, LWNT is to be profiled at the up-coming Social Prescribing System Network – which will feature people from across a range of sectors including Primary Care, the Local Authority and Northumbria Health Care Trust.

Continued development
However, as we have said from the start, LWNT is not static, we are always looking to expand what we provide on there and are open to feedback for future developments and the site is only as good as the information added by our providers. So, if you are a provider of services or activities in North Tyneside, but you are not yet registered on the site, now is the time to get registered. Go to and click Provider Register/Login.

Get involved
We also encourage our current providers to make sure your services, activities, events are on there and up to date. We also love to hear and share your community news, so please make sure to send that through to

Like and share
Finally, the site can’t reach its full potential if we aren’t letting people know it is there. So if you could please share the website – – and like/share/retweet the social media channels with your followers so we can reach as many residents as possible to help everyone live well.

Find Living Well North Tyneside on FacebookTwitter and Instagram. Please follow, like and share to help spread the word.

Look out for new sections of the platform launching soon! 


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