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North Tyneside Health Inequalities Fund

This Project has now closed

Thank you to everyone that was involved

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From peer support groups for people suffering with arthritis to cycling support for children and families, voluntary sector organisations are beginning an important programme of work to help tackle health inequalities across North Tyneside.

A new Health Inequalities Grant Programme, developed by members of the Better Together group, has awarded grants of between £10,000 and £30,000 to fourteen Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector organisations. Funding has been provided by NHS North East and North Cumbria (formerly North Tyneside CCG) and North Tyneside Council, with the grant programme being administered by VODA.

All funded activities focus on delivering outcomes relating to the key themes of the recently published Equally Well strategy for North Tyneside – ‘Equal life chances for all’, ‘Thriving places and communities’ and ‘Maintaining independence’.

The grants programme aims to be more than just an offer of funding. In order to build an evidence base of what works and to help identify scalable solutions, all successful applicants will attend six-monthly learning and development sessions delivered in partnership with Goodlabs – a local management consultancy that helps charitable organisations to enhance their social impact.

Case Studies

Charity supporting older residents thanks to grant funding

Age UK North Tyneside is supporting older residents to get into fitness and community activities after launching a new range of weekly classes. With sessions covering everything from Pilates and balance exercises to reading and social groups, there’s something on offer for residents of all abilities. New classes are constantly being added to the schedule, […]

Healthy body, healthy mind

March 2023 Healthy body, healthy mind: charity using exercise to manage mental health conditions. A mental health charity in North Tyneside is encouraging residents to look after their mental health through exercise. Tyneside and Northumberland Mind’s 12-week programme supports people to improve their physical and mental health and to manage their conditions through gym sessions. […]

Grant funding helps charity tackling loneliness and isolation

A charity in North Tyneside is helping older residents overcome loneliness and isolation by sitting down for a chat, a phone call, or even a cup of tea. MHA Communities North Tyneside offers telephone and in-person befriending, activity sessions and enablement for residents who need support, or just a friendly face to talk to. The […]

Health Inequalities funding encourages residents to cook up a storm

Residents in North Tyneside have brushed up on their culinary skills by taking part in nutritionist led cooking sessions at the Linskill Centre. From healthier Christmas Biscotti to 10-minute noodles, the free cooking classes teach participants tasty but nutritional recipes that can be replicated easily at home. Each of the cooking courses are led by […]

Work funded

  • Tyneside and Northumberland MIND – support people with mental health problems to improve their physical and mental health and to manage their conditions through exercise.
  • Whitley Bay Islamic Cultural Centre – creation of a new community gym.
  • Linskill Trust – deliver community nutritionist led cooking sessions for parents and carers.
  • North East Autism Society – support children and their families to address the health and care inequalities faced by autistic people.
  • LD North East – support people with learning disabilities to access health services and overcome barriers to taking part in physical activities
  • Versus Arthritis – set up a local volunteer-led support group for people with arthritis
  • Quadrant Leisure CIC – offers opportunities, support, and advice to individuals to improve their lifestyles and to make informed choices about their health.
  • Shiremoor Adventure Playground – support local children and their families to cycle to the adventure playground using the wagon-way. Will also offer cycling proficiency and maintenance sessions, bikes and equipment will be provided and at the end of the programme families will be able to access free, or low cost children’s bikes.
  • Deaf Awareness NE – offer accessible health and fitness sessions to deaf and hard of hearing people.
  • Smile Through Sport – provide disability specific sessions solely for autistic young people and work with recently disabled adults to fill a gap that has been created by the pandemic.
  • MHA Communities North Tyneside – support older people who are referred from the local enablement service who are lonely and isolated. Volunteers will build a positive relationship with the older people, helping them access their community.
  • Out of Sight – offer a range of social activities to reduce social isolation amongst the older people it supports, alongside healthy lifestyle support.
  • Age UK North Tyneside – support hard to reach older people and those older people whose health is poor, or complex. It will work with four community venues to deliver singing, dancing, technology and cooking activities, setting up 12 new weekly groups.
  • Support and Grow North East – set up 15 Cuppa Clubs across North Tyneside, where people experiencing loneliness, isolation and / or have mental health issues can access support.
  • Peer Talk – develop more peer support groups for people with mental health problems.

This Project has now closed

Thank you to everyone that was involved

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