Trustee of the Year: Anna McConville

Anna McConville is the parent representative Trustee at Pathways 4 All, a North East parent led charity, providing family friendly play and leisure facilities for disabled children and young people. Part of Anna’s role involved her welcoming new families and takes an questions they are not comfortable asking themselves to the board on their behalf.

Anna has also set up a weekly parent coffee morning offering support to the families and introductions to like-minded families.

Anna carries out all her trustee role alongside looking after her 9 year old son who has Autism and ADHD and attends a local special school. Anna is a a single mum, but she never complains about her situation, all she wants to do is help and support others. In addition to the support she gives Pathways 4 All Anna also volunteers at a refuge for women fleeing domestic violence, an issue close to her hear. She is an amazing lady to be around and has become such a asset to Pathways 4 All.


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