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UK Shared Prosperity Fund –  Small Grants Fund up to £1000

This UK Shared Prosperity Funding (UKSPF) of £1,000 is available to any voluntary and community sector organisations, including individual resident’s groups or youth organisations that provide services in Camperdown Weetslade and Longbenton wards. 

You could:

  • Bring people together for events like community fun days 
  • Set up a new informal social group 
  • Set up an activity for the local neighbourhood 
  • Run a project to share local history, stories and culture 
  • Create a community space or garden 


This is an open-period grant fund running until 31 December 2024. Applications will be assessed at the end of each calendar month. All money should be spent by 28 February 2025.

What is the grant fund target area?

 The target area consists of the wards based in the North West of the Borough of North Tyneside, which includes Weetslade, Camperdown and Longbenton wards. Projects must take place within the target wards and benefit residents within those areas. 

Who will be considered for the grant?

Applicants who will be considered for the grant include organisations within the Charity sector, which are based in North Tyneside or benefit North Tyneside residents. Examples of organisations that can apply for the grant are as follows: 

  • Residents/residents groups 
  • Constituted groups. 
  • Social enterprises with a charitable purpose 
  • Registered charities 

Please ensure you download and read the full application guidance here before submitting your application

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