Working With the VCS 14 September 2020

Working With the VCS events provide an opportunity for voluntary and community organisations to come together with representatives from the local authority, health and private sector.

Our September 2020 Working With the VCS Zoom event included an update on the Poverty Intervention Fund, Test & Trace, Community Health Champions, and discussions around a Voluntary Sector Hub for North Tyneside. There was also an update on discussions held at our last event about Neighbourhood Ambassadors, Digital Inclusion, the SIGN Directory and Volunteering.

You can view the presentation slides here and watch the videos from the presentation below.

An update from the last event: Robin Fry VODA

Poverty Intervention Fund Update: Vicki Nixon North Tyneside Council

Test and Trace: Felicity Shoesmith North Tyneside Council

Community Health Champions: Robin Fry VODA

VCS Hub: Robin Fry VODA



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