Working with the VCS

Working With the VCS events provide an opportunity for voluntary and community organisations to come together with local authority officers (and others) on a quarterly basis. Each event focuses on a key focus topic, but there is always plenty of time to network, share opinions, provide updates and develop new ideas. Everyone is welcome. Before the COVID-19 pandemic these events ran quarterly in community venues across the borough. However the current situation means that we have had to move these events online for the time being and we are also looking to hold them more regularly via zoom.

Past Zoom events

12 July 2021: Partnership working in North Tyneside

A whistle-stop tour of some of the great partnership work going on across the borough. Attendees came from the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector, North Tyneside Council, DWP, National Lottery Community Fund and Primary Care Networks.

14 September 2020: Poverty Intervention Fund and Community Health Champions

Update on the Poverty Intervention Fund, Test & Trace, Community Health Champions, and discussions around a Voluntary Sector Hub for North Tyneside.

15 June 2020:  Building a recovery plan for the North Tyneside VCS.

Featured presentations from VONNE, North Tyneside Council, Family Gateway and YMCA North Tyneside.

Upcoming Working With events

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