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Anne: Good Neighbours Beneficiary

When the realities of the coronavirus started to hit home in the UK, like many, Anne from Longbenton realised she was in an at risk group due to taking immune suppressing medication, in addition her husband is over 70. Having no immediate family nearby for support, Anne was extremely concerned about how they would cope.

“I used to lie awake at night worrying about how we could get food. We’re not online, so couldn’t make any orders over the internet and neither of us drive, which made going out for shopping even more challenging,” commented Anne.

Thankfully, in a regular phone conversation with her neighbour who is also shielding, Anne was told about the North Tyneside COVID-19 Support Hub, who she contacted and was quickly referred to the COVID-19 Good Neighbours scheme.

Anne was able to pay money over the phone to the council, which was then collected by her volunteer Cathy so that she could go shopping on her behalf. Cathy now shops for the couple once a week to ensure they have everything they need.

Anne added: “Cathy is an absolute godsend. Nothing is a problem for her. If something isn’t available, she’ll ring me to check if there is anything else I would like. Last week she even came back to drop off a VE Day poster for our window, it was such a thoughtful thing to do. Everyone I have spoken to has been amazing, it is really reassuring knowing that there is someone there for us during this challenging time.”


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