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Case Study: Terence McDermott North Shields Fishermen’s Heritage Project

headshot of man wearing glasses and a grey jumper.

Terence (Terry) is the Chair of the North Shields Fishermen’s Heritage Project. The organisation was founded in 2015 by Terry, to raise funds to commission a statue to remember the men who fished from North Shields and those who lost their lives. The organisation goes from strength to strength with various new projects, led by its committed team of trustees.

Initially, Terry became a trustee because he wanted to promote his ideas for the Fishing Heritage of North Shields. Of his experience as a trustee, Terry says his best moment was the time when a child at the unveiling of the Herring Girl monument said the day was ‘The best thing in my life’.

Terry is clear that trustees can face challenging situations, for example, people working to further their aims, but this is outweighed by the positive side of the role. He has gained a better understanding of his strengths and weaknesses. Terry would heartily recommend trusteeship to others, saying it can be “very rewarding in so many ways and make a big difference to your community”.


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