Going Green Together

Going Green Together is a campaign that was set up by the VONNE Climate Action Alliance (VCAA) which is made up of 17 VCSE organisations based in the North East that wanted to support the sector towards Net Zero.

If you type climate action into Google you get millions of results – there’s so much information out there it’s hard to know where to begin and hardly any of it is aimed at supporting VCSE organisations. With the help of various Catalyst programmes, Side Labs, Diga Communications and organisations in the North East who completed user testing, the Going Green Together web tool was developed. The tool is a central hub for organisations who are just starting out on their climate action journey who want to start by taking some small actions but need a helping hand.

The tool is a space where organisations can learn about the climate emergency, find examples of climate actions they could take and see what other organisations in the North East have been doing. The tool also links to the Going Green Together

Going Green Together currently runs monthly peer support sessions where organisations can talk about where they are on their climate action journey and what challenges they face in a very supportive and non-judgemental environment.

Here are some testimonies from organisations who have come along to the sessions:

“It’s supportive to know that other organisations are grappling with the same issues as us, and also to hear that even making small changes are worthwhile. It is motivating and reassuring.” – Karen Parry, Inclusion North

“Something that seemed impossible seems achievable now after friendly chats with peers. Gave me the courage to make a start!” – Michelle Cooper, County Durham Community Foundation.

To find out when the next session is, head over to the Going Green Together MeetUp page.

This campaign has been developed to benefit the VCSE sector and to encourage the sector to take positive action against the climate emergency. You can only start by starting. By collaborating with supportive organisations who share their own experiences, taking the first step feels less daunting and once you’ve done that, you can only progress and start to achieve more on your climate action journey.

We’re all in this together so join us in Going Green Together.


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