Howay the Lads!

Howay the Lads!

Would you like to co-design and co-create a Men’s Mental Health Group or simply be involved?

Men’s mental health is an important yet often overlooked health concern


“Both men and women experience mental health difficulties. However there are some notable differences between the issues affecting them and the factors that influence those issues”

Research demonstrates men are less likely to seek treatment.

Attending a support group can be helpful

Recently NT LIFE has noticed a significant increase in the number of men accessing our courses. In response to this and in recognition of the difference in experience, we want to co-design and co-create a Men’s Group. As with all of our courses we recognise that lived experience has immeasurable value and we would like the people who would attend to lead and influence the development of this group.

We are seeking men over 18yrs living in North Tyneside, irrespective of diagnosis, but who have a desire to improve their mental health to join us.

We are offering 3 dates for men to attend:

  • Monday 31st July 5pm – 7pm
  • Tuesday 8th August 10am – 12noon
  • Wednesday 16th August 1pm – 3pm

For accessibility you do not have to be enrolled to attend these sessions, simply have an interest and be prepared to share your views. To register for 1 or all of the sessions simply email before 28th July with your choice of dates.

Venue will be NT LIFE, The Flat, Meadow Well Connected, Waterville Rd, North Shields NE29 6BA


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