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Kitty and the Virus


We love to hear the real life stories behind the names of people our amazing volunteers have supported during coronavirus and one little girl in particular has really caught our attention.

When VODA’s Jo Wolley was emailing one family about the weekly quiz, she discovered the amazing story of Kitty and the virus.

Kitty and the Virus all began in August 2018 when Kitty was diagnosed with Meningococcal Meningitis and Sepsis and spent just over a week in the Newcastle RVI,

Kitty’s dad Chris told us: “Kitty came out with cheers from doctors and nurses so happy to see her again as she, we were hours away from a different story. Days after being out she ran the mini Great North Run for the Meningitis Research Foundation, seeing her cross that finish line was VERY emotional.”

June 2019 and Kitty was back in hospital being treated for the worst and again a week later Kitty’s was back home fighting fit, weeks later running the mini Great Tees run dressed as Batgirl again for the same charity.

Tests revealed that Kitty and her sister Phoebe have a rare immune deficiency, there’s something missing that fights off meningitis in particular and it leaves the girls susceptible to illnesses, especially Kitty.

So needless to say, the coronavirus lockdown has impacted the girls more than most children. The whole family has to shield, and as a consequence have not gone further than the front gate since March.

To help deal with the lockdown, Kitty has spent the time drawing fun characters and making up wonderful stories in her sketch pad, something she has always enjoyed. One story in particular she told to her Granddad who said to her she should make it into a book to help raise awareness – so she did.

Kitty and the Virus is a story about a little girl who can’t go outside, what she does to keep busy, and for those who do have to go out, how to keep safe. Kitty designed and coloured all of the characters, came up with the story and the name and her dad Chris brought it all together for her in a book.

Kitty said: “It’s about the virus and how to safe so you don’t get sick or green, I made it to make other people happy and me happy too”.

Kitty’s book is now on Amazon and Kitty also recently featured in the Evening Chronicle, which covered some of her amazing achievements.

Kitty and her family also created these colouring sheets to be shared with other children who are spending more time at home. You can download the colouring sheets here.


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