North Tyneside Business & VCS Recovery Programme

North Tyneside Council has launched the Business Recovery Programme which offers quick-access to free and practical hands-on support for North Tyneside businesses and voluntary and community organisation to aid their recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The programme eliminates the need for businesses (and charities) to go through the procurement process, a funding agreement and no cash changes hands.

Here’s an idea of what you can get:


  • Build of a full e-commerce website for your business
  • Video shoot to promote your business, products or recruitment campaign
  • Software Development of tools for sales, CRM, Voice Over IP (VOIP) phone system and booking systems
  • Advice and set up of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & Google platforms and advertising
  • Accounting system implementation

Low Carbon

  • Full sustainability review and recommendations
  • Incorporating low carbon and renewable technology


  • Business transformation & development
  • Job rescue planning
  • Supply chain support – ERP Systems etc
  • Review of sales and marketing tools
  • Management systems and cultural changes


  • Spotting new opportunities and diversification
  • Innovation development – user research/funding research
  • New routes to market
  • Customer profiling and mystery shopping


Access this free Business Recovery support in 3 simple steps.

  1. Go to the Business Factory online and click ‘signup’
  2. Set your type of business as ‘A Trading Business’
  3. Complete all information (tick Yes for Business Recovery programme) and ‘Update your details’

It’s a great programme for any North Tyneside business or voluntary and community sector organisation to register for and benefit from in their recovery.


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