UKSPF Small Grants increases to £1000

We are delighted to announce that due to the success of the UKSPF Small Grants Fund for residents and community organisations in the North West of North Tyneside, the grant has increased from £500 to £1000.
This UK Shared Prosperity Funding (UKSPF) is available to any voluntary and community sector organisations, including individual resident’s groups or youth organisations that provide services in Camperdown, Weedslade and Longbenton wards.
You could:
  • Bring people together for events like community fun days
  • Set up a new informal social group
  • Set up an activity for the local neighbourhood
  • Run a project to share local history, stories and culture
  • Create a community space or garden
Visit to apply. The funding window is open until December 2024, or until all the funds have been spent. 
Please note: if you have already been awarded the £500 funding from the Small Grants Fund, you are welcome to apply for the additional £500. However, this must be for the same project/activity that you received the initial funding for. 
The project is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund with the North of Tyne Combined Authority as the lead authority.


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