VODA Awarded North of Tyne Good Work Pledge

VODA is delighted to have been awarded the North of Tyne Combined Authority’s Standard Good Work Pledge.

The Good Work Pledge scheme allows organisations of every type and size to be recognised for providing, or working towards providing, ‘good work’. The pledge consists of two levels, standard and advanced, and businesses can apply for an award at either level. The criteria that sits behind each level maps out what ‘good’ is and how businesses can achieve it.

The pledge’s five key pillars of good practice are:

  • valuing and rewarding the workforce
  • promoting health and wellbeing
  • effective communications and representation
  • developing a balanced workforce, and a social responsibility.

Applicants must demonstrate that they either meet or are actively progressing towards all of the key criteria in at least two of these pillars for a standard award, and five pillars for the advanced. Read more.


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