VODA’s AGM and VCSE Awards Presentation 2022

Our Annual General Meeting and awards presentation took place on Monday 7 November 2022 at the Spirit of North Tyneside Community Hub in Wallsend. This was our first large event at our new office, and it gave attendees a great opportunity to take a look at this new community sector focused space in the heart of Wallsend.

As well as a presentation of our Annual Report, our new VODA Story illustration and our accounts, the event featured keynote speaker Adam Hill from Sunderland Software City who talked about digital inclusion, VODA Health Partnerships Manager Claire Howard also shared our experience of seeking support from Sunderland Software City via the Digital Pathfinders programme.

The VODA Story 2021 to 2022

The VODA Story 2021 to 2022 is an illustrated representation of our year. Showing all of the main highlights and achievements of the team during a year which started with the country still in a Covid lockdown. We are very proud of the result, but appreciate it is not easy to view on screen, so you are welcome to download a PDF of the illustration here so that you can zoom in and look at it in more detail.

Large illustration showing VODA's year

North Tyneside VCSE Awards

We were also delighted to announce the winners of VODA’s North Tyneside VCSE awards. We had some amazing nominations, and it was a difficult job for our panel of judges to decide the winners. Congratulations to all of our winners and nominees. It is safe to say that the star of the show was our youngest award winner, 7-year-old Bailey Wilson who raises funds for local charity Live Well With Cancer to provide injury bears to give to children whose loved ones are diagnosed with cancer #BaileysBears

You can read more about our award winners here. 


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