Free sight tests for Universal Credit claimants

Universal Credit and other benefits are now being managed on-line. Applicants for benefits require a computer and internet access, and be able to see the screen clearly and comfortably. It is reported that some people are struggling to see during their claims process and are as a consequence getting headaches associated with screen-viewing.

Sight tests at your local optometrist or optician’s are free to eligible people through the NHS. These examinations check for the need for spectacles, as well as checking the health of your eyes. If spectacles are needed, you would be issued a spectacle prescription, which can be made up at any opticians. A voucher would also be issued, which contributes to the price of spectacles. Many opticians include a range of spectacles which would be free using the voucher.

Free sight tests and vouchers are given to eligible people – who receive universal credit, employment support allowance (ESA), pension credit guarantee credit, an HC1 form or some tax credit. Free health service sight tests are also available to school children, students under 19 years old, diabetics, people over 40 years old and with an immediate family member who has glaucoma, and those who are registered sight impaired, or have a very high spectacle prescription – 10 dioptres or more.

To arrange a sight test, contact any local optician or optometrist practice.

Martin Hood: Local Optical Committee North Tyneside Lead


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