Volunteers’ Week: MD Hamid – be there for your community!

Law student, NUS delegate, asylum seeker and volunteer MD Mominul Hamid believes in following his Mother’s legacy ”Be there for your community and be there for your people and something good will happen in return” and as a result recently won The Extra Mile Award in the National Societies & Volunteering Awards.

Alongside his other volunteering and trustee roles, MD has regularly volunteered at the local COVID-19 vaccination centres and along with fellow volunteers brings a sense of community and fun to the sessions they attend, with their enthusiasm and dedication to helping others. MD has also joined in with the new hat craze, started by fellow volunteer Kevin.

“I am really glad and happy to be part of the VODA team and be there for our community.” MD M Hamid

MD Hamid featured centre, with VODA’s Liz Fry left and fellow volunteer Kevin Dickinson right.


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